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If you’ve ever asked yourself “What is hypnotherapy?”, you’re not alone. So, what is hypnotherapy? What does the word “hypnosis” come from? Is hypnosis used in psychotherapy? These are just some of the many questions that people have about this fascinating alternative therapy, and the answers aren’t quite as straightforward as you might think.

What Does the Word “Hypnosis” Come From?

The word “hypnosis” is derived from the Greek word hypnos, meaning “sleep.” However, hypnosis is not sleep. In fact, it’s more like a state of relaxation that resembles sleep, but with different physiological characteristics.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of mental health treatment that uses hypnosis to help patients achieve their goals and eliminate unwanted behaviors.

The theory behind hypnotherapy is that your body responds to suggestion and belief in ways you might not even be aware of—and these changes can help you reach your desired outcome. For example: if you’re trying to lose weight and someone suggests something like “I’m full” or “I don’t want any cookies,” these beliefs will affect your thoughts about food!

Is Hypnosis Used in Psychotherapy?

Hypnosis is used in psychotherapy to help patients with mental health issues. The most common uses for hypnotherapy include:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • And many others

What is Hypnotherapy Used For?

Hypnotherapy is often used to help treat a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety and anxiety disorders, addictions, depression, phobias and stress. It can also be used to help with physical conditions like pain management.

Who Administers Hypnosis to an Individual?

A hypnotherapist is a trained professional who uses hypnosis to treat health problems and improve the quality of life for their clients. Hypnotherapists are sometimes called “hypnotists,” but this term is inaccurate as it implies that they can make someone do something against their will. In reality, hypnotherapy simply allows you to choose what you think about and how you feel during treatment sessions.

As an example, consider someone who has difficulty sleeping due to stress or anxiety; a therapist might prescribe medication or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as treatment options. But if those methods don’t work for some reason—or if the individual wants something more natural—they could see a hypnotist instead. The hypnotist would then lead them through a series of exercises designed specifically for sleep issues before sending them home with suggestions on how best to relax before bedtime each evening (e.g., taking long baths).

What Happens During Hypnosis?

During a hypnosis session, you will be asked to relax and focus on your breathing. Once in this state, the hypnotherapist will ask you questions about your past experiences so that he or she can understand where you are coming from. The therapist will then help guide you into an altered state of consciousness through positive suggestions and self-talk. If asked to imagine something during the session, it is important that the client does not resist or argue against it. It is also not necessary for one to be able to leave a room or light up a cigarette with their eyes closed (these are examples used by stage hypnotists).

This is because hypnotherapy does not involve any form of muscle relaxation technique like yoga or massage; instead it aims at altering one’s thoughts and beliefs about themselves through positive suggestion (or suggestion) so that they can experience internal change within themselves rather than being externally manipulated by another person such as in traditional psychotherapy where therapists might suggest certain behaviours based on their own needs rather than what would benefit their clients

What Methods Are Commonly Used in Hypnotherapy?

There are several ways that hypnotherapists can help you achieve your goals. The first, and most common, is through relaxation techniques. Your therapist will guide you through a series of deep muscle relaxation exercises followed by breathing exercises and visualizations that help you enter into a state of hypnosis.

During hypnosis, your therapist may use self-hypnosis techniques to get you into an altered state of consciousness so that suggestions for change can be made or altered patterns of behavior can be changed or suppressed. This type of therapy is particularly helpful in dealing with phobias or other stress-related conditions like insomnia or anxiety disorders.

What Should I Look for in a Hypnotherapist?

  • Find a licensed professional psychologist.

  • Make sure the therapist is experienced with hypnosis and has been trained in its use in your particular problem.

  • Ask for references, and make sure they’re real people—not just names on a website or brochure!

Anyone who has certain questions or concerns about the hypnosis process should speak with a local meditation and hypnotherapy professional to get their answers.

 A person can ask:

  • Am I a good candidate for hypnotherapy?

  • What happens during the session?

  • Will I be asleep?

A professional can also help you understand how the process works, what to expect, and how long it will take.